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Glancing over the Quran in the Order the Prophet received it: Part Three

25. Al-Qadr (Destiny) (97)


Al-Qadr is the 25th Surah revealed upon the Prophet; it is the 97th Surah of the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah at a time when the fasting in the month of Ramadan was not obligatory, and the Prophet had not announced that the odd nights in the last ten days of the Quran have a night of power in them.

The Surah explains that a moment of faith in God's majesty is better than

living without faith for a thousand nights. It reminds the believers of the

glory of the divine guidance, revealed to the Prophet for the first

time in the month of Ramadan. The Night is the Night of destiny because the Quran has the power to enable the people to change their fate.

26. Ash-Shams (The Sun) (91)


Ash-Shams is the 26th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. It is the 91st Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 15 Ayah in one Ruku. The Ayah explains the laws that govern the physical aspects of the universe and invites people to reflect upon them in their creation. It explains that human beings are in a state of constant evolution or devolution or stagnation. Those who are aware of the fact that their knowledge is the foundation of growth and purification will grow continuously, and those who deny knowledge and facts any role in human evolution will regress.

27. Al-Buruj (The Great Constellation) (85)


Al-Buruj is the 27th Surah revealed upon the Prophet is 85th in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 22 verses in one Ruku. It refers to a long practice on those who reject the divine faith and warns against persecuting the believers in this world. It asserts that those who deny the truth and harm the believers should be ready for the consequences of their actions. It also reassures the believers that their sacrifices would not go waste, and they would prosper in life yet to come.

28. At-Tin (The Fig) (95)


At-Tin is the 28th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and in the traditionally arranged Quran, it appears as the 95th Surah. Revealed in Makkah, it has eight Ayah in one Ruku. It referred to the divine message given to God's chosen messenger. It explained that human beings were the ones who had the best intellectual and physical structure to accept and live by the divine guidance, yet they chose to ignore it, thus harming them. It refers to those who had faith and who substantiated their belief with actions as successful people.

29. Quraish (106)


Quraysh is the 106th Surah of the traditionally arranged Quran and is the 29th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah, it has four Ayah in one Ruku. By giving the example of the tribe of Quraysh, who were prominent and honorable for being the Kaaba custodians, the Surah is inviting people to have faith in Allah and his message. It assures them that Allah would not abandon them and provide for them as he has to the tribe of Quraysh.

30. Al-Qari'ah (The Sudden Calamity) (101)


Al-Qariah was the 30th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. It occurs as the 101st Surah of the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 11 Ayah in one Ruku. It described the Day of Judgment clearly and reminded people that

everything in existence would perish, mountains would crumble, and

humans would scatter. Only those who followed the divine guidance would succeed and prosper on that Day.

31. Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)


Al-Qiyamah is the 75th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran and is the 31st Surah revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah and has 40 Ayah in two Ruku. It assures the people that death is not the destruction of the body and soul as they would reborn to see the record of their deeds in this world. It talks about the physical resurrection and the events that would take place at the end of the world.

32. Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) (104)


Al-Humazah is the 32nd Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and its number in the traditionally arranged Quran is 104th. Revealed in Makkah, it has nine Ayah in one Ruku. It refers to the human tendency to accumulate wealth without realizing that it would be of no avail at the time when one departs from this world. It reminds humans of the dangers of following this materialistic lifestyle.

Tenth Day

33. Al-Mursalat (The Resurrection) (77)


The 33rd Surah that revealed upon the Prophet was Al-Mursalat meaning those sent forth. It is the 77th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. It has 70 Ayah in two Ruku. Revealed in Makkah, it has 50 verses in two sections. It focuses on the resurrection theme and reassures the people that its occurrence is inevitable and undeniable. It would happen at its

appointed time, and those who reject would suffer the consequences of their denial.

34. Surah Qaf (the Arabic Alphabet Qaf) (50)


Qaf is the 34th Surah revealed upon the Prophet and is the 50th in the

traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 45 Ayah in three Ruku.

The Surah refutes those who argued that resurrection was impossible, and human beings, once dead, cannot be revived. The Surah assures them that human beings would be brought back to their original form and be held accountable for their deeds in this world and face the consequences. It ensures success to those who have faith in Allah. It explains that nature gives proof of the resurrection. It also reminds people that Allah is closer to them than their jugular vein, and he is watching over them.

35. All-Balad (The Land) (90)


The 35th Surah, Al-Balad, revealed upon the Prophet is the 90th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 20 verses in one Ruku. It entrusts the believers with two main tasks, i.e., the liberation of human beings from the bondage social and political or economic circumstances have placed in them and to eliminate hunger. It explains that faith becomes meaningful when these two tasks get priority.

36. At-Tariq (That which comes up in the Night) (86)


At-Tariq is the 36th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and in the traditionally arranged Quran, its number is 86th. Revealed in Makkah and has 17 Ayah in one Ruku. It reminds human beings of the universe's Creator, who has embedded physical laws in it under his supervision. It reminds people of the severe nature of the process of creation. It asks people to pay attention to the universe, and Allah's words appear in the Quran.

37. Al-Qamar (The Moon) (54)


Al-Qamar is the 37th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. It is the 54th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 55 Ayah in 3 Ruku. This Surah gives details of the end of time and talks about the Day of Judgment. It reminds people of the great flood that place at the time of Prophet Noah, the punishment that meted out to the nations of Ad, Thamud, Lot, and the Pharaoh. It shares the glad tidings with the believers that they would enjoy their Creator's closeness and find them in eternal peace.

38. Saad (The Arabic Letter Saad) (38)


Saad is 38th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it is also the 38th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 88 Ayah in five Ruku. It reminds people of the continuity of divine guidance through messengers throughout human history. It talks about the sacrifices the messengers and their supporters gave upholding the truth and divine guidance. It repeats the historical fact that truth always and ultimately prevails. It explains that Allah's guidance enables people to achieve great things humbly. It warns people against arrogance and tells them that only

through submission to Allah, one can develop the faculties of humility.

39. Al-A'raf (The Faculty of Discernment) (7)


Al-Araf is the 39th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and in the traditionally arranged Quran, its number is seventh. It is one of the few longest Surah revealed in Makkah, and the time of its revelation is one or two years before the Prophet's migration to Medina.

It has 206 Ayah in 24 Ruku. It dwells in greater detail on the institution of

Prophethood. It explains that Allah communicates his message to human beings through his chosen messengers, who are given divine guidance by Angel Gabriel. Each of the selected messenger's stories offers inspiration and motivation to people to understand the divine guidance in their lives and circumstances.

It informs the people that Allah's messengers got persecuted by elites who opposed the divine ideas. However, none succeeded in harming the

messengers as Allah helped them prevail over their opponents. It reminds the believer that divine guidance is for all, and people must share with all. The Surah invites people to learn lessons from the lives of Prophets Noah, Hud, Salih, Shuaib, and all others whose, mentioned and not mentioned in the Quran. It reasserts the fact that Prophet Muhammad is to serve humanity at large and the message that he is sharing with humankind in the Arabic language is indeed the divine message.

40. Surah al-Jinn (The invisible beings) (72)


Al-Jinn is the 72nd Surah of the Quran, and it was the 40th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah, it has 28 Ayah in two Ruku. It refers to the creation of Allah created before human beings. What is that creation, how does it look, and what functions Allah has assigned it? These are matters of mystery. All that humans know is that the jinn as a species is a hidden creation. The Surah alludes to a situation when this invisible creation listened to the divine guidance from the Prophet and accepted the message. It reassures the people of the truthfulness and usefulness of the divine guidance to all who can think and act based on that thinking.

41. Yasin (O You Human Being) (36)


Yasin is the 41st Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it is the 36th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 83 Ayah in five Ruku. It is the heart of the Quran. It explains Islam's foundational

beliefs in monotheism, the finality of the Prophet and the divine

message he is relaying to people, the life after death and the hereafter. It

asks people to learn from the physical laws and assures that a day would

come when every human being would come back to life once again. It warns people of the Day of Judgment.

42 Al-Furqan (The Standard of True and False) (25)


Al-Furqan is the 42nd Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it is the 25th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 77 Ayah in six Ruku. It responds to many objections the disbelievers had against the Quran and the divine guidance. It describes the characteristics of being believers is to lead a God-conscious life. It says the quality of humility is essential for anyone who wants to accept God's oneness and wants to live a believer's life. It warns people of the dangers of polytheism. It refers to nature and invites people to learn the divine rules embedded in that.

43. Al-Fatir (The Origination) (35)


Al-Fatir is the 43rd Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and its number in the traditionally arranged Quran is 35th. Revealed in Makkah, it has 45 Ayah in five Ruku. The Surah focuses on the attitude of disbelievers towards divine guidance and the messenger of Allah. It reminds people to decide the faith presented to them for their benefit. It asks them to accept divine guidance to have a successful life in this world and the hereafter. It draws their attention to nature and explains that physical laws point out to the Creator and his majesty.

44. Maryam (Mary) (19)


Named after Maryam, the mother of Prophet Jesus, Maryam is the 44th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. In the traditionally arranged Quran, it is the 19th Surah. Revealed in Makkah and has 98 Ayah in six Ruku. This Surah came before the migration to Abyssinia. It mentions Prophets Zakariyya, Yahya, Isa, Ibrahim, Ismail, Musa, and Idris and describes their mission as guided by Allah the same way as the mission of Prophet Muhammad. It emphasizes the importance of monotheism in the evolution and growth of one's personality as it liberates people from others' intellectual slavery. It tells the story of Prophet Zakariyya blessed with a son Yahya. It also gives details of the miraculous birth of Prophet Jesus. It reminds the people of Prophet Ibrahim's struggles with his father and elders of the community. It challenges the idea of the divinity of Jesus and refers to him as the son of Mary.

45. TaHa (O Man) (20)


The 45th Surah Taha revealed upon the Prophet is the 20th Surah in the

traditionally arranged Quran. Like the previous Surah, it was before the migration to Abyssinia. The Surah's recitation by the sister of Umar caused the second Caliph to accept Islam. Revealed in Makkah, it has 135 Ayah in eight Ruku. It reminds the believers of their responsibility in sharing the divine guidance to those who are not familiar with them. It assures them of their success if they remain steadfast in their belief. It narrates the story of Prophet Moses in great detail and asks the believers to learn from his struggle and life situation.

46. Al-Waqi'ah (That which must come to Pass) (56)


The 46th Surah Al-Waqiah revealed upon the Prophet is the 56th in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 96 Ayah in three Ruku. It dwells on the subject of resurrection, hereafter, and life after death. It presents revival as a fact. It defines the categories of believers. They are pioneers in the faith, and then some followed the footsteps of the pioneers with the same zeal and, thirdly, believers. It also describes the characteristics of those who reject the divine guidance. The Surah invites people to look at Allah's blessings for their comfort and be grateful to him for those. It asks them to remain loyal and consistent with the divine guidance.

47. Ash--Shura' (The Poets) (26)


Ash-Shura was the 47th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. It is the 26th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 227 Ayah in 11 Ruku. It narrates several historical incidents, hitherto unknown to people, and provides evidence of divine guidance's authenticity by pointing out Allah's signs. It also tells stories from the past, highlighting the struggles of those on the right path. It says that the process of creation is the most excellent sign given by Allah for people to accept him's guidance. It refers to the miracles given to Prophet Moses. It tells the story of Prophets Noah, Saleh, Hud, Lot, Shuaib, and Moses and the exodus of Israelites from Egypt to give the evidence of Allah's help to all those who were on the right path. It refutes the disbeliever's assertion that the Prophet was a poet and composing the poetry to influence people's minds. It invites them to accept the Quran as the final message of Allah.

48. An-Naml (The Ants) (27)


An-Naml is the 48th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. It is the 27th in the

traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makka, it has 93 Ayah in seven Ruku. Throughout human history, Allah has guided human beings to the right path. He sent his message to all people through specially chosen people designated as messengers. They might have spoken different languages, yet the essence of their message was the same. People throughout history either accepted their message or rejected it. The Surah explains the difference between polytheism and monotheism clearly.

49. Al-Qasas (The Story) (28)


The 49th Surah Al-Qasas revealed upon the Prophet is the 28th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 88 Ayah in nine Ruku. The institution of prophethood is pivotal in the divine scheme of guidance to humanity. Allah always speaks to people through the messengers. He carefully chooses them to deliver his message. This Surah focuses on some of the similarities between Prophet Moses and Prophet Muhammad. By referring to the trials and tribulations Prophet Moses went through, Allah is giving assurance to Prophet Muhammad and his followers that they should never feel hopeless as Allah's succor would come to them as it came to Prophet Moses. It assures them that

divine guidance has always benefitted people and all those who were

50. Al--Isra' (The Night Journey) (17)


The 17th Surah Al-Isra in the traditionally arranged Quran is the 50th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah and has 111 Ayah in 12 Ruku. Revealed some 18 months before the migration of the Prophet to Medina. It refers to the Prophet's journey from Makkah to Jerusalem and onward to the heavens. It establishes the connection among messengers sent with divine guidance and calls them each other's companions and friends. It emphasizes the continuity in divine guidance, and it invites people to adopt a lifestyle that would strengthen their character. They would help them become a better resource for humanity. It describes the characteristics of an ideal believer. Furthermore, it defines the dignity of every human being as the cardinal principle of divine faith. It explains the steps one needs to take to preserve dignity. It reminds people that every action they bring consequences and every individual would bear their burden.

51. Yunus (Jonah) (10)


The 51st Surah Yunus revealed upon the Prophet is the 10th in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 109 Ayah spread over 11 Ruku. The Surah describes the purpose of divine guidance is to enable people to achieve peace in their internal and external life. It lays open the path to peace by following the religious advice as given in the Quran by the one who is Almighty and All-wise. His guidance is an act of mercy upon his creation. Humanity can find a solution to its humanmade problems in divine guidance. History is a witness to the fact that whenever divine guidance prevailed with sincere intentions and appropriate actions, Allah's help comes. However, when human beings follow their path, neglecting divine guidance, they cause havoc

for themselves. Their self inflicted calamities occur because of their


52. Hud (11)


Hud is the 52nd Surah revealed upon the Prophet and is the 11th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 123 Ayah and ten Ruku. The Surah refers to Prophets Noah, Salih, Hud, Lot, Shuaib, and Moses. It explains that when people reject the divine message and ridicule the messengers, they invite the divine punishment for their actions and behavior. The consequences of one's deeds are faced by the people regardless of their status or birth or family or ethnic ties. It invites people to evaluate their actions and seek repentance for their deviations, if any. It urges people to demonstrate perseverance in their life journey and perform good deeds to make this life better. It explains that the elite's denial of truth should not prevent the believers from sharing the people's guidance.

53. Yusuf (Joseph) (12)


Yusuf is the 53rd Surah revealed upon the Prophet. In the traditionally arranged Quran, it is the 12th Surah. Revealed in Makkah and has 111 Ayah in 12 Ruku. It testifies all the messengers' character's integrity and reminds people that the Creator chose them based on their character's strength deeply rooted in Allah's trust. It narrates the story of

Prophet Joseph, who suffered betrayal after betrayals from his family, captors, adopted family, prisoners with whom he shares a prison cell. Yet, he remained committed to the divine guidance to ultimately triumph. It says that the strength of character is the foundation of beating all odds.

54. Al-Hijr (15)


Al-Hijr is the 54th Surah according to the order of revelation, and it is the 15th in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 99 Ayah divided into six Ruku. It repeats the Quran's foundational message on the purity and sincerity of the Quran. It refers to the people's initial response to the divine guidance that has often rejected the heavenly call of humanity's oneness. It invites people to seek forgiveness from God for their negligence. It draws people's attention to the fate of Prophet Lot and Shuaib's communities, who suffered for their deviations and inability to seek forgiveness from Allah.

55. Al-An'am (The Cattle) (6)


Al-An'am is the 6th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran, and it is the 55th revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah and has 165 Ayah in 20 Ruku. It explains the universal features of Islam and emphasizes monotheism. Never in the history of humanity had Allah given a message justifying polytheism. People were the ones who invented polytheism for lack of better judgment and clarity of ideas. Monotheism on truth would ultimately prevail. One of the leading causes for people to reject faith in Allah's oneness is their arrogance that causes ungratefulness and leads to rejecting Allah and replacing him with self idols.

56 As Saffat (Those ranked in Ranks) (37)


As-Saffat is the 56th Surah revealed upon the Prophet and is the 37th in the chronologically arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 182 Ayah in 11 Ruku. It is the first Surah of the Quran that starts with an oath. Its focus is on the origin of human beings, their death, and resurrection, and it dwells upon the consequences of one's actions in this life and hereafter. It gives admonitions to people, warns them of dire consequences if they do not adhere to

divine guidance.

57. Luqman (31)

The 57th Surah Luqman revealed upon the Prophet is the 31st Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 34 Ayah in four Ruku. It establishes the principle of learning from those who are wise and whose message is rooted in monotheism. It asks people to learn from Luqman's example, a wise man who asked his son to remain steadfast on monotheism. It repeats the message given in many previous Surah that one God's belief is the key to social success. It warns people of protecting them from the deceptive nature of things that often present them as useful to people.

58. Saba' (Sheba) (34)


Saba is the 34th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. It was the 58th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah, it has 54 Ayah in six Ruku. It establishes the principle of assuming responsibility for one's actions. It reminds people that those who pretend to lead them in this world in the wrong direction would be the first to acknowledge their mistakes. It narrates the story of King David and Solomon and Queen Sheba. It elaborates on the concepts of monotheism, the prophethood, and the Day of judgment, and it reminds the people that a materialistic lifestyle will not benefit human beings.

59. Az-Zumar (The Throngs) (39)


This is the 59th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it numbers 59th in the

traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 75 Ayah and eight Ruku. It reminds people to believe in the guidance of Allah that will free them from despair and hopelessness. It reasserts the uniqueness of monotheism and advises the people to understand the dangerous consequences of polytheism. It assures them that the Creator of the universe is Allah. If the believers in him have difficulty practicing their religion, they can migrate to another land where they can live without compromising their faith. It tells the rejecters of God that they cannot persuade believers to renounce their faith. It reassures the humanity that Allah's mercy is for all.

60. Al-Ghafir (Forgiving) (40)


Al-Ghafir is the 40th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran, and in the chronological order of revelation, it numbers 60th. It has 85 Ayah in nine Ruku. It is one of the seven Surah that begins the word Ha-Mim. The others are HaMim al-Sajdah, al-Shura, al-Zukhruf, al-Dukhan, al-Jathiyah, and al-Ahqaf. Its central theme is that false pride prevents humans from accepting the truth. It invites believers to share the divine message with the rest of humanity to remind them of monotheism's purity and explain polytheism's dangers. It asks people to learn from history, especially the history of the people who lived under Pharaoh's yoke. It tells them that the repentance is open for all, but it would not be accepted when the judgment passed.

61. Fussilat (Closely Spelled Out) (41)

Fussilat is the 61st Surah revealed upon the Prophet and came as Surah 41st Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 54 Ayah spread out in six Ruku. It reminds people that an idea is best understood by people when presented in deeds and actions. In other words, divine guidance would become relevant to people if substantiated with acts. It talks about the benefit of religious teaching for people and asks them to reflect on the Prophet's Quran. It tells the rejecters of the faith that they cannot reduce the relevance and significance of the divine guidance by rejecting it. It also asks people to be polite and humble in their discourse and respond to evil with a good while inviting people to reflect on the truth.

62. Al-Shura (Consultation) (42)


The 42nd Surah Ash-Shura in the traditionally arranged Quran is the 62nd Surah revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah, it has 53 Ayah and five Ruku. It focuses on the idea of the continuity of divine guidance throughout human history. There was never a period and community in human history that did not get the chance to hear the divine guidance through the messengers selected by Allah. These messengers reminded the people of the life after this worldly life where God would judge each based on their performance. It also asks people that avoiding significant sins is the best way to prepare for the next life. It also advises people to consult each other in their affairs. In another world, no single individual can claim a monopoly on wisdom.

63.Az-Zukhruf (Gold) (43)


Az-Zukhruf is the 63rd Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it is the 43rd Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. It has 89 Ayah and nine Ruku. It asks people to take the divine revelation seriously as it improves their lives in this and the next world. It reminds people that a materialistic lifestyle would not help them in life after death as they would leave

everything behind. I ask people to avoid polytheism and blind following and informs people that if they do not remain connected with the divine message, Satanic ideas might influence them. It gives glad tidings to believers who would receive rewards from the Lord for their steadfastness and belief in him.

64. Ad-Dukhan (Smoke) (44)


Ad-Dukhan is the 44th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran and is the 64th revealed upon the Prophet. It is one of the seven Surahs that have Ha Meem in their beginning. Revealed in Makkah, it has 59 Ayah and 3 Ruku. The Surah reminds people that their actions would have consequences, and wrongdoings would earn punishment. It introduces the Quran as a book that discerns right from wrong and warns people of their wrongdoings' impact in their own life. It reassures believers of generous rewards awaiting in the life hereafter.

Eighteenth Day

65. Al-Jathiyah (Kneeling Down) (45)


Al-Jathiyah is the 65th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it occurs as number 45th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 37 Ayah and four Ruku. It points to a historical reality that human beings have often acted arrogantly, thus committing sins against God and harming people. However, Allah is watchful of every human being's action and would hold them accountable on the Day of judgment. It warns people not to act as their own God because they would expose them to harm. It tells people that none can escape from the divine judgment.

66. Al-Ahqaf (The Sand-Dunes) (46)


Al-Ahqaf is the 46th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran, and it is the 66th revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah and has 35 Ayah spread in four sections. It is the last in the list of seven Surah that begins with Ha Meem. With examples from the people of Aad and Thamud, who had rejected the divine guidance in the past, the Surah draws people's attention to their fate if they behave the same way. It leaves the notion that anyone other than Allah is capable of inventing things. It alludes to the fact that people can discover Allah's laws to make things, but they cannot create those rules and regulations. It warns people of the consequences of their rejection.

67. Adh-Dhariyat (The Dust-Scattering Winds) (51)


Adh-Dhariyat is the 67th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it numbers 51 in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 60 Ayah and 3 Ruku. It references the people and times of Prophets Ibrahim, Lot, Moses, Saleh, Shuaib, and Noah. It asks the contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad and those who would come after them to learn from the past to make their position clear on divine guidance. It acknowledges the efforts that Prophet Muhammad made in establishing a community to serve Allah and inform the believers hat falsehood would not survive because the righteous people are now in command.

68. Surah al-Ghashiyah (The Overshadowing Event) (88)


Al-Ghashiyah is the 88th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran, and it was the 68th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah, it has 26 Ayah and one Ruku. It elaborates on the idea of the end of time. It tells that human beings will either be sad once they realize that they did not avail the time given to do good or be happy as people realize that the good they did in the world is being acknowledged and accepted by their Creator. It also asks people to learn from Allah's signs presented in the physical universe and communicate it to the people. It reminds them that religion cannot be imposed upon people because it relies on their inner voice with self-decision.

69. Al-Kahf (The Cave) (18


Al-Kahf is the 69th Surah revealed upon the Prophet and numbers 18 in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and it has 110 Ayah and 12 Ruku. This Surah is full historical references of Cave people, Gog and Magog, the pious king Dhul Qarnain and Prophet Moses and his teacher. Through narrating their stories, the Surah invites people to draw certain conclusions. Some of them are listed here. Allah's message always finds a place in good hearts. Those who are grateful to Allah would be recognized and rewarded. A mundane life would not help people on the Last Day of judgment. Knowledge is a process of discovery, and even with all discover, the decision stays with the Creator. Finally, what often appears is not what is real.

70. An-Nahl (The Bee) (16)


An-Nahl is the 16th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. It was the 70th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah and has 128 Ayah and 16 Ruku. It and six other Surah, i.e., Yunus, Yusuf, Al Ra'd, Ibrahim and Hijr) were revealed one after another just before the migration to Medina. It draws people's attention to the physical world and everything created in the cosmos. It asks people to use their rational faculties to reach to the conclusion that it is one God who is the Creator of all; hence human beings should not credit them for owning and controlling this world. They should remember their limitations, and they should be grateful to the bounties and blessings of Allah. It also reasserts the ultimate reality that every human soul would be answerable to Allah for every action it led. It emphasizes on the universal character of the divine guidance. It rejects the notion that people can declare things forbidden or permitted because God exclusively has that authority. It acknowledges the Prophet Ibrahim's contribution in laying the foundation for monotheism in an organized and structured manner.

71. Nooh (Noah) (71)


Nooh is one of those few Surah whose order of the revelation and the traditional Quran arrangement are the same. Revealed in Makkah, it is the 71st Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it is 71st in its current configuration. It has 28 Ayah and 2 Ruku. It reminds people of the true story of Prophet Noah and the great flood. It explains his struggles in delivering the message and facing stiff opposition and rejection among his family members. It narrates the ridicule and humiliation people hurled upon him and teaches that the truth never fails.

72. Ibrahim (Abraham) (14)


Ibrahim is the 72nd Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it numbers 14th in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makka, it has 52 Ayah and 7 Ruku and is one of the last surahs revealed upon the Prophet. It gives details of the prayers; Prophet Ibrahim made in establishing the House of God in Makkah. It reminds people of the sacrifices and leadership of mother Hajira and son Ismail in living the mission of Prophet Ibrahim. It acknowledges a historical fact that at the initial stage of their mission, all the messengers of God have faced tough times as people laugh at their claim and reject their ideas that challenge the status quo. Their people killed many and ostracized others, but none changed and compromised on the divine guidance. It pays tribute to the sacrifices of all who stood for truth. It assures people that a determined, morally healthy people would ultimately defeat the Satanic


73. Al-Anbiya' (The Prophets) (21)


Al-Anbiya is one of those Surah not named after any word in its text. It is the 73rd Surah revealed upon the Prophet and numbers 21st in the traditionally arranged Quran. It has Makkan origin and has 112 Ayah in seven Ruku. It revolves around the theme of the uniqueness of Allah. Humans cannot be God or God-like, and God will never be human or human life. It refutes the argument of those who say that a human cannot deliver divine guidance. Even if God comes down on earth in person, the people will reject him. It also refutes the idea that life is purposeless, and human beings can use it for their entertainment and playful objectives. It explains the purpose of life and asserts that not only righteousness would inherit the earth, but they would also replace idol worshiping as was done by Prophet Ibrahim.

74. Al-Mu' minun (The Believers) (73)


Al-Muminun is the 74th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it numbers 23rd in the traditionally arranged Quran? Revealed in Makkah and has 118 Ayah and six Ruku. It focuses on sharing the divine guidance with the people and accepting the authenticity of Prophet Muhammad. It defines some of the characteristics of believers and places a high value on morality. It reminds people that the message shared by Prophet Muhammad is the same as was shared by previous messengers. It describes Prophets as one body or one team dedicated to the same mission and purpose. It negates the idea that wealth can purchase righteousness and reminds people that Allah is the Creator of everything in the universe.

75. As-Sajdah (Prostration) (32)


As-Sajdah is the 32nd Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran, and it is the 75th revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah, it has 30 Ayah and 3 Ruku. It invites people to use their rationality to reach to the conclusion that there is one Creator of this universe who wants every creation to earn his blessings by accepting the guidance that he regularly sent down through his chosen messengers. He would hold everyone accountable for that message. It hopes that rational thinking would lead people out of the darkness of their ideas. It refers to the story of Prophet Moses and asks people to learn from it to improve their chances of success. It also makes a clear distinction between a believer and a non-believer.

76. At-Tur (Mount Sinai) (52)


At-Tur is the 76th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it is the 52nd in the traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 49 Ayah and two Ruku. It is refuting the claims of non-believers about Prophet Muhammad and rejecting their accusations against him. It is also denying the argument of non-believers that Prophet Muhammad was under the spell of some magician or was promoting a new style of poetry. It also gives comfort to the Prophet, and through him, all the believers that their efforts would not go waste and Allah would ensure that the truth prevails and falsehood disappears.

77. Al-Mulk (Dominion) (67)


Al-Mulk, the 67th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran, is the 77th revealed upon the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah, it has 30 Ayah and two Ruku. It describes the cycle of life and death as part of the divine scheme that enables people to learn their strength through doing good things. It also draws people's attention to the creation in the universe and asks them to ponder the balance in everything. It reminds them that everything belongs to God, and he alone is the judge and master, and everyone would be held accountable for one's actions.

78. Al-Haqqah (The Laying-Bare of the Truth) (69)


Al-Haqqa is the 78th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it occurs as the 69th Surah in the Quran. Revealed in Makkah and has 52 Ayah and two Ruku. Referring to historical events during Prophet Noah, Prophet Moses, Prophet Shuaib, and Prophet Saleh, the Surah reminds the people that those who had rejected the divine guidance did not succeed. Those who deny it in the present would also not succeed in the present. It also explains that the purpose of the message given by the Prophet is to ensure that human beings become free from the yoke of slavery imposed upon them by human beings not different from them. It asks people to take their life in their control by rejecting false idols who are of no use to anyone.

79. Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent) (70)


Al-Maarij is the 70th one in the traditionally arranged Quran, and it was the 79th revealed about the Prophet. Revealed in Makkah, it has 44 Ayah and two Ruku. It revolves around the idea of resurrection and confirms that it is an event that would undoubtedly take place, and those who denied it would suffer the consequences of their denial. It reminds people that a good character has no substitute, and those who follow the divine guidance in ensuring that they live a pure and humble life with a firm belief in God would be immensely rewarded by the Lord.

80. An-Naba' (The Tiding) (78)



is the 80th Surah revealed upon the Prophet, and it numbers 78th in the

traditionally arranged Quran. Revealed in Makkah, it has 40 Ayah in two Ruku. It refers to the debate among people on the issue of the end of time and informs the people that regardless of when it would come, either sooner or later, people should prepare them for it. It reassures people that they would assemble at one place to be held accountable for their actions. It imagines the condition of those who rejected the faith in this word by alluding to their statements on the Day of judgment that they wished they were mere dust.

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