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Writer's pictureAslam Abdullah

Ted Cruz Follows the Lead of Bayyah and Yusuf to Call the Brotherhood a Terrorist Group

Following the UAE-funded Muslim scholars such as Shaikh Bayyah and Hamza Yusuf, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz reintroduced a bill in U.S. Congress on December 2, 2020, to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group. The bill's co-sponsors are Congressman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Florida). The three representatives believe that their effort will protect American citizens from the threat of radical Islamic terror and direct the State Department to hold the Brotherhood accountable for conspiring to destroy the West.

Apparently, the US Senator is following the lead of Shaikh Abdallah bin Bayyah and Hamza Yusuf who were instrumental in declaring the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization in the UAE.

He is also in league with President Trump who assured the Egyptian President of his intention to ban the Brotherhood in the USA when the former visited Washington.

Ted Cruz and his backers want the State Department to prepare a report on whether the Muslim group meets the designated foreign terrorist group's criteria and wants the U.S. to stifle the funding they receive to promote their so-called terrorist activities.

"I am proud to reintroduce these bills that would codify needed reforms in America's war against radical Islamic terrorism," Sen. Cruz said. "This potent threat to our civilization has intensified under the Obama administration due to the willful blindness of politically-correct policies that hamper our safety and security.

"If a foreign organization looks like a terror group, operates like a terror group, and supports terrorism, then it is a foreign terrorist organization," Congressman McCaul said. Read the act in full by clicking on the following link: The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act

Organizations such as Hamas, al Qaeda, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations. The Congressman further said, "The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…"

"The Muslim Brotherhood continues to support terrorist organizations that are responsible for acts of violence around the world," Congressman Diaz-Balart said. "

The right-wing Christian evangelist, Zionist, and Hindutva inspired lobby is behind the renewed efforts to define the Brotherhood as a terrorist group to serve the interests of the Zionist entity, Israel, and the Gulf despots. If passed, the bill will enable the U.S. Administration and despotic governments to criminalize anyone challenging dictators of Arabia or pro-Zionist policies of the world's influential countries. It will also be the first step to ban Muslim organizations and institutions that espouse people's right to self-determination.

The ruthless Gulf rulers fear that the Muslim Brotherhood might inspire a people-based movement for justice, freedom, democracy, and equality in counties tightly controlled by intelligence and para-military forces. They are afraid of any independent, organized activity that has the potential to question their legitimacy. They want to keep people as their subjects, not as equal citizens.

The Christian evangelists are against Muslim Brotherhood because it has exposed their political and militant activism throughout the world. The Zionists oppose it for its determined struggle against the illegal occupation of Palestine. At the same time, Hindutva is, in general, opposed to any organized Muslim work.

They use the term radical Islam without defining what do they mean by that term. If they refer to al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab, or ISIS, they know it better than the backers of these groups were the Gulf rulers who supported them at the behest of Washington, London, Paris, or Tel Aviv. No militant group survives in the world without the backing of governments or the militaristic industrial complex that manufactures arms and ammunition.

Islam is neither radical nor passive. Islam does not call for the destruction of Judaism, Hinduism, or Christianity and acknowledges their contribution to world civilization. However, Islam has issues with injustices, inequality, exploitation, and oppression in all aspects of life. Muslims believe that it is their divinely mandated obligation to change the oppressive human conditions for a better world.

The Muslim Brotherhood believes in the peaceful transformation of human conditions. It is against violence and disowns terrorism of any kind. But Ted Cruz, under the influence of the lobby and despots, sees the presence of any organized Islamic activity as a conspiracy to destroy the West. They do not realize that. The West's values take pride in practicing are not different from the divinely guided values of Islam that emphasize equality, justice, liberty, and freedom. Muslims are aware of the expression give me death or give me liberty, and they do not shy away from offering their lives for human dignity.

The bill is the first step by the Christian evangelists to seek a ban on Muslim organizations, such as Tablighi Jamat or any other Muslim entity. Like the Gulf dictators, Cruz and his likes want Muslims to be subservient to people like him in the U.S. in their approach to politics and society.

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